A tease and a test!

Sit tight friends, I'll be back with an update as soon as I have time, and I sadly have no idea when that will be.  We thought taking 2 weeks off of work would give us a day or two of downtime, but it's insane how badly we underestimated even the simplest aspects of  moving in.

So a couple pictures for you...

First is my battered and bruised arm from moving boxes and furniture.  You might notice the bonus blisters on my hands from painting!  Those aren't shadows folks - those are battle wounds!

Speaking of, here's a peek at the work in progress!

And now I have to get back to work.  I promise once the dust has settled, and then of course once it's been dusted again, I'll be back with photos and a play by play.  This post was kind of just a test to see how much our slower than molasses country internet is going to hamper my speed.  If you care, browsing seems fine, but it took me longer than I care to document just to upload these 2 silly photos.

Back soon.


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