We've got a Roof!

Happy birthday to me -- Happy birthday to me -- Got a roof for my birthday  -- Happy birthday to me!!

So it's not completely done, and they haven't even started mom and dad's roof, but ours is nearly done and I couldn't help myself from blogging immediately because I was really second guessing our roof shingles, but I love them now that they're up.

I'm also marveling at how much more I can appreciate the shape of the house and the roofline now that the shingles are up!  The little french gnome house has taken shape!

What a joy to pull up to our house on a VERY rainy day expecting to see nobody there working, and instead seeing that there's no place for us to conveniently park.  Lots of trucks for multiple trades all at once!  I'm so hopeful this is what our builder meant by "catching up" once the house is water tight.  We're still not water tight, but getting close.  The kitchen window went in today as well.  I haven't been inside, but we noticed from the back view of the house that it's finally in.

Not much commentary to share - just pictures!

This is the view before turning onto our street...

Also before turning onto our street but coming from the other direction...  yeah, we do laps around the neighborhood stalking our own home.  so what?

a lil closer...

closer still...

super close!

This is from the next street over - that window you see is in our master bathroom.

This is the back of the house - see my kitchen window to the left of the covered patio?!!


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