
Showing posts from August, 2015

Doodle's Blingtastic Bathroom Reveal

I'd drafted this post ages ago and never got around to publishing, but last night I had a blog request from a friend of a friend, Madeline who I've never met.  :)  Here you go Madeline - I'm sure this bathroom isn't for everyone, but my 3 year old is pretty pleased with it! When we built the house we really struggled deciding whether the kids should have their own bathrooms or share a larger bathroom.  We landed on two small private baths, literally the smallest they can be while still fitting a standard toilet, sink and bathtub/shower combo, roughly 5'x8'.  Though they're both nearly identical in size, doodle's feels a bit more cramped, so I really wanted to make it as extraordinary as possible. Doodle's requests?  Pink, and sparkles.  Done and done! BEFORE: AFTER: I'm really hoping the wrinkles fall out of the sequin fabric sooner than later.  :)  I could ...