
Showing posts from June, 2015

Doodle's Big Girl Bedroom Reveal!

I've already posted most of the projects, so I just thought I'd share some photos of her finished bedroom.  It's been done for a couple weeks, but I've been puttering on her lamp all this time.  Really quickly before the overall room photos, here's the scoop on the lamp that took me forever...but honestly I think it's my favorite project of all time.  And I finished it just in time for her 3rd birthday! It is a $3.99 thrift store electroplated faux brass disaster - so ugly that the cashier at the thrift store raised an eyebrow in judgement when I asked to pay for it, which is pretty bad considering all the nasty stuff they probably see at thrift stores!!  I stripped it down to chrome and steel with oven cleaner and Blue Magic metal polish.  That was already a pretty cool improvement and a process I'd consider for future brass plate projects!  But to that, I added gobs and gobs of old vintage costume jewelry from all sides of the family.  The bulk of ...