Landscape Mania...Again!
Many of you have seen or heard about bits and pieces relating to our work outside, but this phase is finally done and it's time to share! Disclaimer: I retain the right to start another phase tomorrow if I choose. :) Where to begin? Well, we bought the vacant lot next to us a couple months ago. We did this to a) block a local builder from building a spec house there and b) to extend our landscaping so that our house doesn't look so smooshed into the end of the cul de sac. If I could turn back time, we'd buy both lots at the same time and center the houses on them. Ahh, hindsight. When we bought the lot, the neighbors on the other side were devastated because they thought that builder [who happens to have just built one of the less attractive homes in the hood got the lot, and they had inquired about purchasing a couple times over the past few years but the developer wouldn't budge on the price. So, they somewhat hopelessly asked wi...