Landscape Woes with a Happy Ending...maybe? (UPDATED)
So you guys have surely noticed the surly, jaded tone of all my posts lately. I am fairly confident the root cause of that tone goes back to our landscaping issues that are still not resolved. I wanted to give you all the WHOLE story from the beginning because it's more bizarre than science fiction. Just to refresh your memory, here's the list of mistakes/problems prior to this latest round of emails, though it's been such a long road I'm sure I'm forgetting a few line items. * We showed up very prepared for our very first meeting with the landscape designer. In typical fashion, I obnoxiously provided him with a powerpoint deck of our likes/dislikes and do's/do-not's in the design he was to put together. I was nervous to bring all that info to the meeting because not everyone is capable working with OCD control freaks, but he made us feel like it was not only helpful, but gave him confidence that he had everything he needed to give us our dream lands...