Readers, I need your help!

I normally feel a slight but steady pressure to blog about a project or a house milestone as soon as it's finished or achieved.  It's become the routine, and I love the closure of putting the project out there into the blogosphere so I can move on to the next, but it's not a trivial time commitment.  As I approach my next project I'm feeling really torn as to whether I'm doing the right thing, and I figured I'd throw it out to my 5 faithful readers.  That constant pressure I feel will be rewarded by your help now.  :)

The project in question is [something] above the yet to be started/completed valance for the triple kitchen window above the sink.  The kitchen is an L-shape with a big island and it makes up one corner of the open living area that also contains the living room and casual dining room.  On the right wall we'll have our range hood which goes all the way up to the ceiling as does the backsplash just in that one spot.  Since we've got 11' ceilings (10' to the beams) and the cabinets have no variation in height, I'm feeling like I need some weight above the big windows to balance the wall with the height of the hood.  By the way, like the sneak peek at our backsplash?  I'm SOOO in love.
 Pic doesn't do it justice, but with the front door open you can see its shiny glossy gloriousness all the way out from the street.  :)  It's going to continue up to the ceiling behind the range hood, and is not yet grouted so not quite finished but close.

So all the selections in the kitchen right now are clean, pristine and cool colors - white cabinets, powder blue backsplash, white ice granite.  The hood will bring in some dark tones, and I plan to dirty and warm it up some more with rustic wood barstools and I'm planning a natural burlap window valance with black strip tieups.  I think mom is worried about the valance, but I'm hooked on it.  I found an inspiration photo ages ago and have been committed ever since.  :)  Also our cabinet hardware (pulls and knobs) are black, as are the pendant lights over the island.

As a reminder, here's the hood and counter stools.

So here's the dilemma.  I have been planning to make a long, skinny wooden sign to hang above the valance  in that 2' space between the beam and the top of the window.  it would be maybe 8-10" tall, but 6-7' long.  I'm thinking distressed black with "BOULANGERIE PATISSERIE" painted in white letters and also distressed.  I can see it, and it would be just right from a color balance perspective in my head.  My problem is... I have a wooden sign addiction and I want to make sure I'm not going overboard.  Wooden signs, and word art have been super trendy for far too long and it kills me that I'm so stuck on a trend that's so overdone that you can readily buy them at your local shopping mall and occupies 90% of home decor pins on pinterest and can be found in a high percentage of older submissions on Houzz.  I'm not feigning originality in the rest of our house - most of the things I incorporated came from inspiration somewhere, but I don't want to be so generic either!  Then again, I just really like them!!

You might remember I made a gigantic wooden sign to hang over the buffet in the dining area.  This would be directly across the space on opposite walls.

I also have some painted wooden sign elements in the foyer, but I don't think they'll be viewed or perceived as "wooden sign" when they're hanging on the wall if that makes sense.  For instance, one will be surrounded by 8 large framed photos.

So the question is... is it sign overkill or passe to put one over the kitchen window (yellow stripe on my super high tech diagram)?  If it's not, do you love or hate the french bakery thing?  Is this whole trend so done and lame?  Am I lame for even considering it?  

The window valance in burlap is non-negotiable but feel free to comment good or bad anyway.  But if you say something bad about the burlap valance, you'll first feel guilty knowing you talked bad about something I  am putting in my house, and then you'll feel dumb when it looks gangsta!  :)  

Please leave a comment with your vote!  or if you don't have an account shoot me an email or if you get these updates by facebook, leave a comment there!  Tie a note on a pigeon or put a stamp (not an iron brand - that's mean) on a donkey and send them my way.  Just help me decide!


  1. My opinion, stick with one wood sign in one room - and since you can see the Salt Water Taffy one from the kitchen.
    Love the burlap idea - to me, burlap isn't used enough :)

    1. oh dear gretchen. if i had known i would be held to a wooden sign quota on a per room basis i wouldn't have gone with such an open floor plan! :)

  2. I feel positive that you can make something as raw and rustic as burlap classy and beautiful. I do love the printed burlap.
    As for the space above the window.......hmmmm. I have to admit I have fallen victim to the trend of sign usage in my own home and I personally love them but I can see your delima with it being such an open space. Trying to find the exact right amount of cohesiveness among the rooms totally stumps me. My only possible suggestion would be (assuming you don't use a sign) is to incorporate a piece of art or wall sculpture playing off the metal in the hood vent containing a simular material. Regardless it will be beautiful no matter what. It might even be one of those things you leave as a blank canvas and one day you just find the perfect piece when you least expect it. Those are always fun too!
    P.S. I must alert your groupies of your post. Maybe they have a great idea. ;)


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