3 Weeks Later...

So there's all this anticipation about "breaking ground" to get started.  And then you sit and wait.  A lot.

Last time you saw some dirt moved around.  We made some decisions about how to grade the lot.  Those decisions were completely disregarded for engineering reasons (we think).  What this means is our backyard is going to slope down steadily with a difference of about 5 feet from the back of our house to the back of our property line.  :(  More to come on that as we look for solutions.  

This was two weeks in with more dirt moved around.

Although the kids had fun playing at this visit, I left feeling uneasy about the level of the grade and the slow progress.  You can tell how excited we all were for our weekly visits based on us all having knee high rubber boots.  Are we cute or obnoxious?

Ok, so Daphne didn't have her new boots yet at this visit, but we fixed that at the following visit!  :)

So, we gave it one more week, heard that the pads the houses sit on were completely done and that the corners of the houses would be surveyed and marked on Friday the 16th so we went up for our weekly visit that Friday night with high hopes and sadly were disappointed.  There were partial house pads, though they weren't done, and the corners were not marked.  More setbacks with the survey company not showing up.  Boo!  Again, the kids had fun at this visit, and Tate heard us complaining that it was taking too long so he got right to work helping.  :)

  and not to be outdone by her big brother, Daphne got right to work as well!

Does anyone else think this is a funny juxtaposition, or is it just me?

  So 3 weeks in, we were getting very antsy, but just a few days later, the pads were complete, the tree overhanging mom and dad's pad was removed, and we have foundation forms showing the outlines of the houses!  This time next week I should be posting pictures of rough plumbing, not that that'll be interesting for most of you reading this, but every ounce of progress is exciting for us!

Here's what the lot looks like today:

Not sure if another construction update will come next, or another furniture project.  Stay tuned!


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