Doodle's Big Girl Bedroom Series - #4
Well, friends, I had all but decided to stop posting all my projects because it takes almost as long to watermark and upload photos and document the process as it does to finish the project itself. During our home construction, everything I posted was getting lots of traffic, but the last several posts have very few page views. I started this blog to keep friends and family back home up to date on the construction of our house, and there seemed to be interest from unexpected readers after we moved, so I kept blogging. But now it seems maybe it's run its course, and that is perfectly ok with me. I'm just letting you know I may or may not continue to post. If you're reading this, you're already doing your part to make it worth my time. :) If you're reading this but missed a lot of other recent posts, scroll down to the right and enter your email address and "blogger" will ping you whenever I post, if I continue to post. All that said, as I start...