
Showing posts from April, 2015

Doodle's Big Girl Bedroom Series - #3

Here we go - Project #3!  In case you missed the first two, you can check out her dresser here and her vanity here .  After these two furniture projects I decided to put the paint brush down for a week and try my hand with fabric... lots and lots of fabric!  That's right - it's curtain time! Now, I've made countless sets of curtains in my time.  Normally it wouldn't merit a post of its own, but these are no ordinary curtains.  I suppose at the base they're just large rectangles of fabric with hemmed edges like all the others.  But, these have ruffles!  And I used 2 sewing machine feet/attachments that I never even knew existed! When I found these curtains at Anthropologie...

Doodle's Big Girl Bedroom Series - #2

I hope you all enjoyed post #1 about the doodle's new dresser .  I did a 2D and 3D furniture plan and then bought the dresser and this second piece 1 day apart with several furniture placement scenarios in mind.  I'm not 100% decided on how I'll lay it all out yet, but I knew from the get-go I wanted a vanity in her room.  At the very least, it serves as a place for her hair accessories to live because right now they're scattered around the house.  I'm envisioning some of her jewelry displayed on top and I know she'll get a kick out of that. Whereas the dresser's condition didn't deter me at all, the vanity has clearly lived a tougher life and caused me a brief pause.  :)  I like the long legs with castors, and I wanted this style with a single-surface vanity top instead of the multi-level style which just begs for spills and knocking things over.  I got it for a steal, so I don't mind the extra work to restore it.  Specifically, the applique ca...

Doodle's Big Girl Bedroom Series - #1

In my last post, (and on facebook) I asked whether you'd all prefer a massive post with my doodle's first big girl bedroom reveal, or if you wanted to see each project 1 piece at a time, and the overwhelming consensus was 1 project at a time.  Personally I think that's a tease, but you asked, and now you shall receive.  :) Her birthday is mid-June and the plan was to do her bedroom for her birthday, but once I get thinking about this kind of project, I draw inward and become a project hermit and obsess until it's done.  So even though I have at least 10 full DIY projects on my to-do list, not counting painting the walls, there's no way this room isn't getting done before June.