
Showing posts from March, 2015

Living room odds and ends

This will be a pretty quick update.  My cousin and Godson are coming to stay with us next week, and my aunt and uncle stayed with mom and dad this week.  For some reason, impending house guests give me decorating fever like nothing else!  You know, that feeling of "Oh no!  This wall looks empty (after a year) - I need to fix it immediately!!"  You never feel like that?  Ok, it's just me then. Nonetheless, I decided the walls needed a little something flanking our tv in the living room.  While I was at it, I decided the pillows I threw together with scrap fabric (for the sake of taking pictures of the finished living room for this very blog) needed an upgrade. Based on a pinterest tip, I bought feather pillow forms at Ikea.  They were only $6 each for a 20x20!  That's like 66% less than the cost of the polyester ones at JoAnn's!  Jury's still out as to whether I'm a feather pillow kinda girl or not.  I like that they fluff right ...

Where the magic happens...

A post dedicated entirely to my workshop.  ahem... what room did you THINK I was talking about?  tsk tsk!  This is another LONNNNNNG post, so get comfy! My craft room was like the game room when we moved in... a mish mash of leftover furniture intended to temporarily do the trick.  To store most of my supplies, I was re-using 2 ikea bookshelves that have already served their 9 lives over 3 houses and are still going strong.  They started out as the shelving units flanking our tv stand in our old family room (2 houses ago), but one of my many decorating shortcomings is accessorizing shelves, lots and lots of shelves!  So once we moved stuff around with our first Christmas, those shelves never came back into the room.  One went into a coat closet for extra storage, and one was refinished for the nugget's baby nursery.  He no longer needs it in his new room, so the pair of book cases were back together at last to hold my paints, stains, upholstery ...