
Showing posts from December, 2014

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Since I finished the kids halloween costumes in October, I've been slaving away in my little workshop like a totally spastic elf getting all my new decorations ready for our first year in the new house!  Get comfy, because this is a LOOOOOOONG post, which is reflective of the number of hours that went into all this stuff! When we decided to move across country, I sold or gave away probably 75% of our Christmas decorations.  I'm really glad I did because most of them were a total reflection of my twenties style.  Everything was shiny, and sparkly, and bold.  In my thirties I'm really into more of a lived-in, loved and worn style as it feels more comfy and cozy to me.  In this new house, that shiny sparkly stuff just doesn't work, and I decided I needed to supplement with a lot of new decor for Christmas.  New doesn't mean it has to come from a store though! I started with making all new tree ornaments, nearly 100 of them.  When my nana died, the who...


I posted an early phase 1 photo on facebook a couple weeks ago without telling anyone what it was or what it would become.  I didn't get any guesses, and if I did, I'm confident they'd have been wrong.  :) Here's a reminder of those 2 photos I posted. Pretty underwhelming looking start, right?  I've never posted in-progress photos before finishing it so this was a little scary!  No idea what it is right?  Well, if the title of this post didn't tip you off friends, then you need to spend one Christmas season in Boston, or make more Italian American friends! This painters tape and papertowel monstrosity was to become my long awaited Dominick the Donkey!  Please please please tell me you know the song.  In Boston, they played it at 5pm every day from Thanksgiving until Christmas!  The nostalgia from being a kid, from living back in New England, and the memories it raises of my fur-sister Maggie are just so warm an...