Ho! Ho! Ho!
Since I finished the kids halloween costumes in October, I've been slaving away in my little workshop like a totally spastic elf getting all my new decorations ready for our first year in the new house! Get comfy, because this is a LOOOOOOONG post, which is reflective of the number of hours that went into all this stuff! When we decided to move across country, I sold or gave away probably 75% of our Christmas decorations. I'm really glad I did because most of them were a total reflection of my twenties style. Everything was shiny, and sparkly, and bold. In my thirties I'm really into more of a lived-in, loved and worn style as it feels more comfy and cozy to me. In this new house, that shiny sparkly stuff just doesn't work, and I decided I needed to supplement with a lot of new decor for Christmas. New doesn't mean it has to come from a store though! I started with making all new tree ornaments, nearly 100 of them. When my nana died, the who...