My meltdown...and my therapy
Well it finally happened. All the credit you've all given me for holding it all together during this ridiculously stressful process is no longer merited. The only solace is that I really threw my builder for a loop when he realized I was sobbing on the other end of the phone. I'll spare you the details of how he made me cry because I'm still really angry and I'm sure I would regret seeing this anger in writing months from now in this blog. What I will say is that April 11th, was the "drop dead" latest possible date my builder has been sticking to for the final walk through, and that is no longer in the realm of possibility. Maybe, since the new painters actually showed up on Friday (the last crew quit), just MAYBE we can do our walk-through on the 14th or 15th. Just 3 more days you say? Yes, but...our phone, internet, and cable service appointments for hookups start on the 14th, and we aren't allowed to do those hookups until the builders are done ...