
Showing posts from January, 2014

Sewing Saturday!

I'm not sure how it came about, but I'm pretty sure my dad just up and volunteered my mom's help all day Saturday.  Without hesitation I accepted!  I would have put her to work stringing wooden beads for my upcoming master bath chandelier project.  But sadly the 5,500 beads I ordered haven't arrived yet.  Stay tuned for that project. We intended to just make the nugget's bedroom curtains.  But then we finished before dinner, and I somehow convinced her to stay on after dinner for another project! We didn't document the curtain process because there are a million tutorials out there on how to sew drapes.  But I will say, these are beautifully lined and look really legit!  I'm loving the bold colors and patterns.  Can't wait to see the whole room come together!  More about the second project after the jump!

A random buffet of updates for those addicts who need a hit...

I've been catching a lot of flack for not updating more regularly now that there's so much going on up at the house.  The problem is there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that absolutely MUST be done, let alone blogging about all of it.  I'm doing my best, so bear with me.  :) Today I have prepared for you a delicious menu: Interior Doors and trim Baseboards, Crown Moulding, and Mirror Trim Coffered Ceilings Sneak peek at unfinished granite counters My mafia boss armoire project And my dining room artwork

WOW! Too much progress to cram into a clever headline!

First of all, Happy New Year!! I'll be honest, it's not my favorite holiday. New Year's Eve always makes me a little sad. While others are out celebrating over bubbly, I'm usually feeling anxious about another year gone by, being another year older, the KIDS being another year older etc.  It's terrible to live with all this angst!  And while that was still true this year, I can't deny we had an amazing year of major life changes - a healthier lifestyle for sure with major weight loss, packing up and moving across country, enabling our kids to spend everyday with their mammy who loves them more than the air she breathes... and we have another amazing year to look forward to in 2014 with the completion of our new home! Speaking of which... I think we all were bracing for a month of extremely slow progress in December with the holidays. With our first build, all the trades just seemed to disappear the week before a holiday and didn't come back until a ...